
CF-L1 Coach

About Mickey

A black and white icon of a check mark in a circle.

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

Lesson Planning Certificate

Weightlifting Certificate

Precision Nutrition L1


Why I'm here:

  • I am here because CrossFit has a unique ability to impact a person in multiple ways. I want to facilitate that impact on others through consistency and growth. I want people to know, that in your fitness journey, it is not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good too! Guiding others to experience what it feels like to be confident, strong, and healthy is what motivates me to chase excellence every day.

What can you expect from me:

  • You can expect me to be articulate, thorough, and easy going. You can expect that I am growing and constantly learning, which will aid in guiding you as you grow in your fitness goals. You can also expect that commitment and hard work pays off. I constantly seek knowledge and continuous learning so as to benefit you the best I can!


  • I’ve struggled most of my life with confidence. Having arthritis and Lyme disease at age 12, I knew that a healthy lifestyle was not optional. Growing up I played soccer religiously. The skills you learn from that sport are a tremendous support with CrossFit. I have always been athletic, but I lacked confidence and a positive mindset.
  • My husband roped me into my first CrossFit class, and I was hooked! It was a constant mental challenge for me to test my confidence and provided a way for me to practice a positive mindset. Since then, I’ve gained vital skills within my own personal development that I hope to teach others. The numerous benefits that have stemmed from my fitness journey, led me to get my Level 1 Certification. No matter when you start, my hope is to benefit you in attaining your health and fitness goals!

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